Pancake Wreath Frame Patent Pending Bundle
Wreath frame designed for Mel's Pancake Recipe
Bundle comes with the 14" frame, 10" frame, and sign extender center.
1/4" thick
*patent pending*
How to use the frames:
Step 1: Add your pipe cleaners
Put a pipe cleaner through each larger, center hole and bring it to the other side of the notch, then twist the pipe cleaner.
Do not put pipe cleaners through the smaller holes near the inner center of the frame. Those smaller holes are for signs and bows.
Step 2: Cut the mesh
Cut 20-inch pieces of mesh. If you’re making a 10-inch and 14-inch wreath frame (and using only six pieces of mesh on the smaller frame), you’ll only need ONE roll of mesh for both wreaths!
Step 3: Make and attach your mesh ruffle
Lay each mesh piece out and scrunch the mesh starting at the bottom, pulling it toward you. Pinching the center (the cluster will look like a butterfly), lay the ruffle between each pipe cleaner. You’ll want to start on the outside notches first, just like a normal pancake style, and complete steps 4-6 before starting the inner notches.
Step 4: Cut and fold your ribbon
Using two, 2.5-inch ribbon designs, cut 12, 14-inch ribbon tails – making 24 tails total. Once the ribbon is cut, take one of each ribbon design and layer it on top of the other. Fold each ribbon pair in half.
Step 5: Add ribbon to your frame
Starting with the outer ruffles, lay each ribbon tail in a pipe cleaner, over the mesh ruffle, and twist the pipe cleaner. The ribbon should be in a “v” shape with the ends facing out. Pull the ribbons apart and to the sides, so both ribbon designs show.
Step 6: Add florals
If you want to add additional features, like florals, simply lay the stems into the pipe cleaners (florals facing out), over the ribbon and twist the pipe cleaner. Once you’re finished adding the ribbon and (optional) florals, cut the excess pipe cleaner.
Step 7: Repeat steps 3-6
Now moving onto the inner notches, repeat steps 3-6, which include making and attaching your mesh ruffle, adding your ribbon and florals.
Step 8: Attach the sign
Whether using wire or pipe cleaners (with zip tie mounts), attach your sign to the wreath frame by pushing the wire or pipe cleaner through the mesh, then small holes of the wreath frame OR wrapping the wire or pipe cleaner around the full base of the wreath.
Step 9: Create and attach a bow
Pinch, twist and loop your ribbons to make your bow and twist a piper cleaner around the center. Then attach your bow by sticking the pipe cleaner arms through the mesh and twist them around the frame. Fluff your bow by pulling on the loops and spreading them side to side.